
Foto Francisco Santoyo

“GlycoChemBio” (GlycoChemBio) is a multidisciplinar Research Group that combines Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry with the aim to attain knowledge advances related with Glycochemistry and Bioconjugation and their implementation in the development of new technological and biotechnological applications in these fields.

Our current interest are focused in the development of new synthetic procedures based in robust methodologies such as “click-chemistry” and vinyl sulfone chemistry and their applications in different projects such as:

  • labeling of biomolecules
  • immobilization of biomolecules
  • synthesis of new hybrid materials and carbohydrate-based polymeric networks
  • specific non-viral gene vectors
  • drug-delivery

Our activities are also directed to provide new innovative solutions and knowledge transfer througth the generation of novel patents that are a finger trip of our group.

GlycoChemBio is a group that belongs to the Departament of Organic Chemistry of the UGR and also to the Biotechnological Institute of this University. GlycoChemBio is a register group of the “Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación” (Group FQM-208). It has been founded in 1988 having an extensive experience in the fields of organic synthesis, carbohydrate chemistry, glycochemistry, bioconjugation and areas related with biochemistry (protein purification, molecular biology and crystallization of proteins).

We encourage you to learn about us by exploring this site to know more in depth our research and contributions. We also invite you to contact with us if you are interested in working in our group or for the establishment of a new scientific collaboration.

Francisco Santoyo-Gonzalez
Research Leader